Belgium Netherlands & Luxenberg

  • Austrian Rule over Belgium

    Austrian Rule over Belgium
    Belgium under the rule of Austria. This is important because Austria was taking over counties in the east of Europe and Belgium trying to fight back for freedom.
  • Decleration of Indpendence

    Decleration of Indpendence
    Henri Van der Noot and Jan Vanck helped write the Decleration of Independence. This made Beligum a free country like many other countries.
  • Belgium being part of France

    Belgium being part of France
    Belgium became part of france. After the rule of Austria now Belgium became a part of the French Empire which was very strong and almost took over Europe at one point.
  • Winnning Independence

    Winnning Independence
    Belgium won their independence from the Netherlands. The Netherlands lost the war in the long run and finally became a free counrty.
  • New King

    New King
    Leopold I became the King of Belgium. Leopold became a varible asset to the country to help them with all there problems.
  • Luxembourg gained Independence

    Luxembourg gained Independence
    Gained Independence from Germany. Luxembourg was a small country near Germany and Germany started both world wars and finally became free from them.
  • Amstel Brewery opened

    Amstel Brewery opened
    Major brewery in the Netherlands opened. This is important because Europe is know for low drinking age and beer was one of the main drinks.
  • Luxembourg separated from Nertherlands

    Luxembourg separated from Nertherlands
    Luxemberg seperates from Netherlands as own country. Netherlands lost another country and letting Luxembourg free to do there own things.
  • Peace Conference

    Peace Conference
    First Hague Peace conference held in Netherlands. This helped make peace between Beligum, Netherlands, Luexmbourg from there problems between them.
  • Another New King

    Another New King
    King Albert I became the new King of Belgium. This helped Belgium more because King Leoapold I did not full fill in his job.
  • German invasion

    German invasion
    Germany invaded Luxemberg. Luxemberg is a very easy small country to invade next to Germany and has no forces to fight back.
  • Liberation Begins

    Liberation Begins
    Allied forces began the liberation of Belgium. Canada helped drive out the German invasion and bring peace to Belgium.
  • Toll tunnel opened Belgium to Luxembourg

    Toll tunnel opened Belgium to Luxembourg
    Belgium Luxenberg toll tunnel opened. This created an easier transportation route for trading between the two countries.
  • Womens Voting Right

    Womens Voting Right
    Dutch women recieved the right to vote. This is important becasue it gave women the right to vote and lead to equality.
  • Olympics opened in Amsterdam

    Olympics opened in Amsterdam
    Olympics opened in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Important because you get to honor your countries teams.
  • NATO

    NATO was signed by Luxembourg. Important to luxemberg because it provided them with a safety net and ways to get their foot in the door with trading.
  • Grand Duke Jean rule

    Grand Duke Jean rule
    Grand Duke Jean started his rule in Luxemberg. Altered their economy to more agricultural and showed growth and modernization.
  • Luxembourg ratified the Treaty on the European Union

    Luxembourg ratified the Treaty on the European Union
    Ratified the Treaty on the European Union for single market. Made prosperity through different market style.
  • Maastritch Treaty

    Maastritch Treaty
    Established the EU and introduction of the Euro. This is important because it provided stability with being in the EU and protection.