Baudouin au congo

Belgian Congo

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    People have been living in the Belgian Congo area since the stone age. People who inhabited the rain forest were organzed into villages and were lead by a chief or of dominant clans or lineages.
  • King Leopold II Sets Up Organizations

    King Leopold II Sets Up Organizations
    King Leopold II started up three organizations to help influence and erect Belgian sovereignty. These three organizations were; the Association Internationale Africaine (AIA, African International Association), Comité d'Études du Haut-Congo (CEHC, Study Committee of the Upper Congo), Association Internationale du Congo (AIC, International Congo Society).
  • King Leopold Attended the Conference of Berlin

    King Leopold Attended the Conference of Berlin
    King Leopold attended the Conference of Berlin in hopes of obtaining Conbo Basin. He wanted to spread Belgian supremacy there. King Leopold got what he wanted in 1908 and now had CFS (Congo Free State) in his grasps. He took delight in having nearly absolute power over the CFS.
  • High Rubber Demand = High Death Toll

    High Rubber Demand = High Death Toll
    The invention of Inflatable, rubber bicycle tires and the growing population of automobiles set rubber demand very high. King Leopold reduced most of the native population to serfs and set them to work on the rubber and ivory trades. These male rubber tappers were exploited to death without a single care. King Leopold held the man's familly hostage until he supplied the rubber quota. If he fails to do so, his families' hands were cut off, murdered and villages burned.
  • Independence and Leaders

    Independence and Leaders
    When the Belgian Congo gained independence, Patrice Lumumba became prime minister and Joseph Kasavubu became president. Belgian Congo administrators were to not leave the state and train new executives. The army was to stay under Belian control. Five days following independence, the army revolted against their superiors.
  • Kasavubu dismisses Lumumba as prime minister

    Kasavubu dismisses Lumumba as prime minister
    President Kasavubu announces that he has taken Lumumba out of his postion as prime minister. Lumumba went toward the radio station to broadcast to the rest of the state that he has taken out Kasavubu as president. Joseph Mobutu, the minister of defense, stated that he is nullifying all politicians and is temporarily taking over the duties of government by making himself the head of state.
  • Motobuism

    The official philosophy of Belgian Congo became Motubuism, it is the idea that Motobu was referred to as "the guide" or "the father of the country." Motobu changed his name to Motobu Sese Seko and changed the name of the country to Zaire. Motobuism's effect was lessened by the economic and militaristic programs.