Being a child across history

  • 7000 BCE


    In the very ancient times, children were viewed as just a means to prolong the population, but this also meant that too much of them were viewed as extra load, if a woman had another child, it was killed at birth or misstreated until adulthood were they left the house.
  • 320 BCE

    Children in Greece

    Children in Greece
    The education of children in ancient greese was dependant of gender, while boys were taught things like geometry, philosophy and aritmetics, girls were prepared for the house a their future husbands.
  • 780

    Childhood in the Roman Empire

    Childhood in the Roman Empire
    Like many ancient civilations, the education was dividen beetwen boys and girls, while the education of boys was generally reading, writing, philosophy, etc; the girls were taught to be mothers and be good wives.
  • 1405

    Children as work objects

    Children as work objects
    At this time, children were stil viewed based on what they could do, their gender were still influent in their upbringings and general rights in society, but in this time they were all still treated like objects.
  • 1500

    Times of fear

    Times of fear
    At this point in time, we could say that fear and punishments were the most common way to educate children by their parents, making childhood quite harsh.
  • 1550

    Children before the industrial revolution.

    Children before the industrial revolution.
    No law protected children from working, so they were in the obligation of helping their parents and working from early ages; there was yet to be a norm protecting the wellbeing of the children.
  • Children and the industrialization.

    Children and the industrialization.
    As the industry spread all across the world,more children in more countries were treated as workforce and still were treated as such; work accidents involving children were not uncommon.
  • The importance of childhood

    The importance of childhood
    By the beggining of the 19th century, childhood became a topic of study, children were treated much better, and they were no longer considered objects or workforce, and were treated as just children, however, they were still obligated to their parents.
  • A beam of light

    A beam of light
    By the start of the 20th century, children started to be seen as something precious to their parents, and childhood claimed the importance that it deserved for the next generation to grow better and more efficient.
  • Expression

    It was a time were adults and aducators started telling the children to be more expresive and to say their minds.
  • At last, UNICEF

    At last, UNICEF
    UNICEF was created to ensure the rights of children to grow in a happy, healthy environment, and like that, they were now legally protected.
  • Children today

    Children today
    Children became important as the future human generation, and the ,eans to protect our existence; the convention of the United Nations on the Rights of Children is to this day the most respected treaty on human rights in history.