Behind Edgar Allan Poe's stories

  • Birth

    Edgar Allan Poe's birth
  • Biological Father abadonment

    David Poe abadons the family, edgar is one.
  • Biological Mother Dies

    Edgar is 3 he is adopted by Mr. Allan.
  • Death of first love

    Edgar Allan Poe's first love dies of brain cancer. Edgar was fifteen.
  • Boarding School

    After fighting with Mr. Allan about his affairs, Edgar is sent to boarding school. In boarding school Edgar's creativity flourishes. However, with little founding from his father Edgar goes in dept.
  • Joins the Army

    Edgar Joins the army and becomes an official.
  • Foster mom dies

  • Mother's Death

    Mrs. Allan dies of turburculosis.
  • Virginia

    After Edgar found his family Virginia will be sent to a relative.
  • Editor

    Edgar gets a job as an editor.
  • Married

    Virginia marries her cousin Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Virginia is sick

    Virginia gets turburculosis.
  • Raven

    Edgar publishes the raven and gets wide recontion. He makes 14 dollars.
  • Moves to New York

    Edgar moves to new york for Virginia's health.
  • Death

    Edgar Allan Poe dies after a period of coma and a night on a street corner. He is found wearing another's clothes and intoxicated.