
Beginning of WWII

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Due to the events of WWI, Germany was held liable for all the damage caused by WWI forcing them to have to pay for the damages.
  • Fascism

    As many countries are in an economic depression, the fascist party started to rise as countries like Italy and Germany start to become powers.
  • Japanese Imperialism

    By letting Japan takeover land without any reprocussions, Germany and Italy decided that they would be able to takeover whatever they wanted without any problems.
  • The Great Depression

    Due to the Great Depression, the US could not help Germany pay off the damages they had to pay from the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Nazi Party rise

    The country of Germany was in a downward spiral and need someone to give the country hope. Adolf Hitler is able to raise the ranks as he persuades hopeful Germans with promises of a greater future.
  • Appeasement

    Due to WWI, nobody wanted to go to war again. So they basically allowed Japan and Germany to take over any land they wanted.