Mussolini organizes Fascist party in Italy
Mussolini’s new right-wing organization advocated Italian nationalism, had black shirts for uniforms, and launched a program of terrorism and intimidation against its leftist opponents. Badoglio dissolved the Fascist Party, and on October 13 Italy declared war on Nazi Germany -
Hyperinflation in Germany
Things were getting very exensive in germany. Even a wheelbarrow full of money couldnt buy a news paper -
Hitler writes Mein Kampf
Mein Kmapf is PublishedThe first part of Mein Kampf, subtitled “A Reckoning,” is a 400-plus page diatribe on the problems besetting Germany. Volume Two of Mein Kampf, focusing on national socialism, was published in 1927. -
The Manchurian Incident
On the night of Sept. 18, 1931, Japanese troops used the pretext of an explosion along the Japanese-controlled South Manchurian Railway to occupy Mukden. On September 21, Japanese reinforcements arrived from Korea, and the army began to expand throughout northern Manchuria. -
Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
In the July 1932 Reichstag elections, the Nazi party gained almost 40% of the vote making it the most powerful party in Germany. he Weimar government had failed its people and, following the worldwide depression, Germany was in economic ruin, people’s livelihoods shattered and the nation still burdened with the humiliation of the post-First World War Treaty of Versailles. Germans, fearful of Communists and Jews, looked for an alternative and that alternative lay in Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Part -
Hitler becomes Prime Minister of Germany
By 1933, the Nazi Party was the largest elected party in the German Reichstag, which led to Hitler's appointment as Chancellor on 30 January 1933. -
Japan withdraws from League of Nations
Only two nations (Costa Rica in 1925 and Brazil in 1926) had previously withdrew. The world was poised once again on the brink of war. -
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U.S passes Neutrality Acts
Congress passed three separate neutrality laws that clamped an embargo on arms sales to belligerents, forbade American ships from entering war zones and prohibited them from being armed, and barred Americans from traveling on belligerent ships.Congress was determined not to repeat what it regarded as the mistakes that had plunged the United States into World War I. -
Italy invades Ethiopia
WW2: Italy invades EthiopiaThe aim of invading Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige, which was wounded by Ethiopia's defeat of Italian forces at the Battle of Adowa in the nineteenth century. Mussolini saw it as an opportunity to provide land for unemployed Italians and also acquire more mineral resources to fight off the effects of the Great Depression. -
Hitler sends troops into rhineland
German Occupation of the RhinelandIn 1936 Hitler boldly marched 22,000 German troops into the Rhineland, in a direct contravention of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany claimed the treaty was hostile to them and Hitler used this as an excuse to send German troops into the Rhineland in March 1936, -
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The Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil WarThe war was an outcome of a polarization of Spanish life and politics that had developed over previous decades. . Republican violence occurred primarily during the early stages of the war -
Japan invades Eastern China
On July 16, 1937, a few days after the beginning of Japan's undeclared war on China, Secretary Hull issued a statement of fundamental principles of international policy. The Secretary stated that any situation in which armed hostilities were in progress or were threatened was a situation wherein rights and interests of all nations either were or might be seriously affected. -
Munich Conference
Munich Conference 1938In late 1938 a crisis developed in Europe. An agreement was reached that Hitler could annex the Sudetenland provided he promised not to invade anywhere else. -
Hitler and Stalin sign non-agression pact
German-Soviet Nonagression PactThe pact between Germany and the Soviet union was concluded only a few days before WWII. It divided eastern Europe into german and soviet Spheres of influence -
Germany invades Poland
The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. After heavy shelling and bombing, Warsaw surrendered to the Germans on September 27, 1939.