Before WW2

By avadami
  • Period: to

    Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party

    Hitler is the ruler of the Nazi party for this period of time. This is important because a lot of bad things happened because of him.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    China becomes a puppet state to Japan. This is important because this is the beginning of the war.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler disobeys the German-Polish non-aggression act of 1943. This is significant because this started many violent battles
  • The Hitler-Stalin pact

    The Hitler-Stalin pact
    Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact. This is important because this led to Germany and Italy ganging up on the other nations
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    Germany invades the Soviet Union. This is one of many important events that make the war worse.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This is important because this is before the U.S. decides to go to war with Japan
  • D-Day

    Allied forces launched a surprise attack on France. This happened because there needed to be an end to the war so they did this to make it stop.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    The U.S. launches an attack on Hiroshima. This is important because this leads to the end of the war.