Before Chavismo

  • Boom era for oil

    The material standard of living for all classes in Venezuela improved.
  • Per capita oil income declined

    leading to a foreign debt crisis and forced devaluation of the Bolivar.
  • The percentage of poverty highly increased

    The percentage of people living below the poverty line jumped from 36% to 66%, while people in extreme poverty tripled, from 11% to 36%, and the class division intensified.
  • Carlos Andrés Pérez became president on a platform of anti-neoliberalism

    Carlos Andrés Pérez became president on a platform of anti-neoliberalism
    Venezuela was faced with an external debt ($34 billion) that under these conditions could not be paid.
    Riots broke out across the country and the government responded by imposing martial law.
  • Main leftist parties

    Main leftist parties
    La Causa Radical (LCR) and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS).
  • Chávez became a heroic symbol

    Chávez became a heroic symbol
    He was the leader of a coup attempt on Pérez. Before being imprisoned Chávez was granted one minute on national television and that gave Chávez national recognition and caused him to become for many a heroic symbol of resistance to the disliked regime.
  • Pérez was impeached by Congress

    For illegally using $17 million to finance the campaign of Violetta Chamorro in Nicaragua.
  • Rafael Caldera wins the elections

    Rafael Caldera wins the elections
  • Caldera released Chávez

    Caldera released Chávez
  • General public sector strike

    General public sector strike
    About 1.3 million workers walked in it.
  • Caldera stipulated neoliberal adjustment

    this adjustment opened the state oil industry to private investment.
  • Asian financial crisis

    due to their financial crisis, Oil prices tumbled thereby worsening Venezuela's economy in an election year.
  • Chávez wins the presidency elections

    Chávez wins the presidency elections
    With 56.4% of the popular vote.