Before born After born

  • My dad 22BB

    My dad 22BB
    My dad was born in 1984
  • My mom 21BB

    My mom 21BB
    my mom was born in the year 1985
  • Meet 2BB

    Meet 2BB
    This is when my parents met.
  • Parents Wedding 1BB

    Parents Wedding 1BB
    My parents were married.
  • Born

    I was born on August 15,2006.
  • 1st Birthday 1AB

    1st Birthday 1AB
    It was my 1 year birthday. It was a special and memorable moment for my family.
  • Start of kindergarten 5AB

    Start of kindergarten 5AB
    I started going to school for the first time and it my first day of kindergarten.
  • Elementary school 6AB

    Elementary school 6AB
    I started going to elementary school and it was the start of 1st grade. I was nervous because there would be people older then me there like the 2,3,4,and 5th graders.
  • Cousin 9AB

    Cousin 9AB
    My favorite baby cousin was born. Her name is Maira and she is turning 4 in june.
  • Moved 11AB

    Moved 11AB
    We moved to springfield from Upper Darby.