Before and After the 1960s

  • de jure segregation

    de jure segregation
    Blacks and whites were "separate but equal". Black people were segregated at school, the bus, hospitals, and other facilities.
  • First African American Baseball Player

    First  African American Baseball Player
    Jackie Robinson, the first African American baseballer, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. He won the hearts of millions and became a hero to other black children.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    The Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools based on race was unconstitutional. This ruling affected black children greatly and through the years graduation rates increased.
  • Rosa Parks Boycott

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the front of the bus. She was later arrested and told the officer she felt she did nothing wrong.
  • Little Rock Crisis

    Little Rock Crisis
    Following the Brown vs Board of Education court case, the federal judge ordered nine black children to attend the school in Little Rock. This caused a commotion for many white students who advocated against the desegregation of the schools.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Student activists from CORE rode interstate buses into the segregated Southern States.
  • Malcolm X

    Unlike MLK, Malcolm preached for black people to have their own identities and be separate. He also believed in violent protests rather than nonviolence.
  • "I Have A Dream" Speech

    "I Have A Dream" Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous speech about ending racism that is still recalled today.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    President Johnson banned literacy tests that prevented black people from voting and in 1965 black men were finally given the right to vote.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    Martin Luther King Jr organized a march from Selma, Alabama, to the state's capital, Montgomery. They marched for the rights of African Americans
  • Guy Bluford in space

    Guy Bluford in space
    Guion "Guy" Bluford became the first black American to visit space where he served as a mission specialist.
  • Mandela released

    After his peaceful protest Mandela was arrested and was released years later. He became Africa's first black president in 1994.
  • The Watts Truce

    The Watts Truce
    A peace treaty was established between the Blood and the Crip gang in the Watt neighborhood. This contributed to a significant decline in street violence.
  • Los Angeles Riots

    A major outbreak of violence, looting, and arson in Los Angeles. The video tape of Rodney King's beating leads to a huge outpouring od protest.
  • Barack Obama for President

    Barack Obama became the first African American president of the United States.
  • Black Lives Matter Movement

    Black Lives Matter Movement
    George Zimmerman shoots Black high school student Trayvon Martin, claiming self-defense. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter is first used.
  • Gabby Douglas

    Gabby Douglas
    Gabby Douglas became both the first American to win two gold medals and the first African American to win the all-around title. To this day many people look up to her.
  • Chadwick Boseman

    Black Panther made news as the first big-budget movie with an almost all-Black cast. He pushed to highlight the diversity of Black culture.
  • Black Spider Man

    Black Spider Man
    Miles Morales is a comic book character created to represent people of color.
  • Kobe Bryant

    Kobe Bryant
    Kobe was known for his "Mamba Mentality," which emphasized relentless dedication to improvement, resilience, and a competitive mindset. This attitude has inspired many players to push their limits and strive for excellence. His death caused millions of distress.