BED 4309 Timeline: Eastern European Front 1941- 1945

  • Operation Barbosa

    Operation Barbosa
    This operation was created by the Nazi's. Operation Barbarossa's purpose was for the Nazi's to take over Western Soviet Union, and have more German Populations in these areas.
  • Period: to

    Eastern European Front 1941 - 1945

  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    During this Siege all routes were cut off from Leningrad City, which resulted in one of the most longest and costliest sieges in time.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    This battle was conducted in two events in which there was an attempt to take over the Capitol of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans, Moscow.
  • Operation Typhoon

    Operation Typhoon
    There were 2 main operations that occurred in the North and South of Moscow, nearly 3 German Armies surrendered during this major operation.
  • Demyansk Pocket

    Demyansk Pocket
    A group of German troops had used a technique called, "Air-bridge", which was used as an inspiration for the Wehrmacht Command to use in The Battle of Stalingrad.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Soviet Union and the Nazi's fought over the control of the city, Stalingrad. It was known to be one of the worst battles, in where almost 1.7 million were wounded, killed or captured. The German Army had to withdraw to replace all the men they lost.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    It was a battle between German and Soviet Armies near Kursk, it was the first time that the German were stopped and couldn't get through their enemies.
  • Operation Bargration

    Operation Bargration
    Most of the Western Soviet Union had been liberated, and had clearance of German Armies over at Poland. During this operation Germans lost about 1/2 million men.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    After the Battle of Berlin, Hitler took it upon himself. He along with his wife committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
  • End of WWII in Europe

    End of WWII in Europe
    Also known as V-Day, (Victory Day), was the date in which German Forces surrendered. Once the news broke it was The United States of America who declared V-Day.