Beagle Voyage

  • Plymouth, England

    When Charles Darwin was 22 he served as the Beagle Voyage's ship captain's assistant
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Darwin was inspired by his first observations, and decided on writing a book on geology of the countries he traveled to.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Darwin and his crew have crossed the equator that many were afraid to cross.
  • Salvador, Brazil

    Darwin explores the Brazilian rain forests for the first time, and is mezmorized by the interesting flora and fauna.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Darwin finds several interesting fossils that he suggest may be part of a new species.
  • Tieraa del Fuego, Argentina

    Captain Fitzroy attempts to start a Christian Mission and fails terribly.
  • Falklands Islands

    Darwin goes to the bare Falklands Islands and discovers rare fossils inside of the rocks present on the island which were 2-shelled animals.
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Darwin sights the Pampas aka the fertile lowland areas with the gauchos or the local people.
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    Chiloe Islands, Chile

    Darwin watches Mount Osorno and experiences an earthquake and how much damage they both caused to the area.
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    Galapagos Islands

    Darwin discovers the famous Galapagos Islands where he finds species such as plants, birds, tortoises, iguanas, and their feeding habits.
  • Sydney, Australia

    Darwin notices that there are different mammals in Australia.
  • Keeling Islands

    Darwin test his theory of Atoll Formation by studying coral reefs growing around the islands.
  • Mauritis

    Darwin sees that course grass and bushes grow over black lava.
  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Darwin sees many many Bullock Wagons and the large Table Mountain.
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South Africa

    Darwin visits the jungles and its incredible creatures that lived among them.
  • Falmouth, England

    Darwin returned home and was confused but happy at the same time.