Beagle's Voyage

  • Beagle leaves England

    Charles Darwin is 22 years old and the captain's assistant as they depart.
  • Beagle leaves England

    Darwin leaves Plymouth, England as a cpt assistant on HMS Beagle.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Darwin got to make his first observations in the Cape Verde Islands and he is thrilled. He started writing a book on geology of countries.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Darwin crossed the border and the ship decided for him to shave so there was a big undertaking of getting shaved.
  • Brazilian Rainforests

    In Salvador, Brazil was their next stop. Darwin's first experience with a tropical rainforest left him in a delight. He is engulfed in the beauty of the rainforest with all its plants and flowers.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Darwin arrives in Punta Alta to see giant fossils that he is excited to explore. He figures out that there were a lot of them and that they were very large.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Darwin is excited on his first chance at observations and thinks about writing a book on countries' geology.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Darwin and the Beagle cross the equator and promptly shave. An action Darwin does not enjoy.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    HMS Beagle arrive in Punta Alta, Argentina. Darwin gets to study the large fossils he finds in the area and concludes that there used to be many similar creatures and these fossils are new discoveries.
  • Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Cpt. Robert FitzRoy brings back some natives he had taken to Europe trying to start a Christian mission. This fails badly.
  • Brazilian Rainforests

    The HMS Beagle arrives in Salvador Brazil. Darwin gets to explore the rainforests and is delighted by the vegetation and flowers.
  • Falkland Islands

    Darwin studies the islands to find many fossils of brachiopods that were once one of the most abundant organisms on Earth.
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Darwin explores the fertile lowlands. (AKA Pampas) With the local "gauchos" he sees there independence and enjoyment of life.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Darwin explores the many islands to find many species all with some deviation between them. The finches especially were all specifically suited for their own island, thus prompting Darwin to come up with the idea of natural selection and how it fed into evolution. His findings were very controversial to the churches and he was a victim of prejudice.
  • Chiloe Island, Chile

    Darwin and HMS Beagle are present to witness the eruption of Mount Osomo and experiences the earthquake new Valdivia. He concludes that the earthquake had damaged the island more than 100 years of wear and tear.
  • Sydney, AUS

    Darwin studies the marsupials in Aus. and wonders why mammals are so different in this area.
  • Cocos Islands

    Darwin studies the coral reefs to test his theory of atoll formation. He was also visually please by the reef formations, claiming them to be "high amongst the wonderful objects of this world."
  • Mauritius

    The land is uncultivated and the ground consisting of black lave with coarse grass and bushes.
  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Bullock wagons are numerous in this area and Table Mountain in this area is very interesting. With the mountain being 3,500 ft.
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    While in the jungles again, Darwin discovers many new species never before seen to Europeans. Afterward, he wants to head home, but the HMS Beagle must make some readjustments.
  • Falmouth, England

    Darwin and the HMS Beagle arrive home to finally have room for the sailors to spread out and relax.