Plessy V. Ferguson
NAACP founded
FDR bans discrimination in defense industry
CORE founded
An American Dilema Published
A 1944 study of race relations. The author is a Swedish Noble-Laureate economist named Gunnar Myrdal. It sold more than 100,000 copies. It was enormously influential in how racial issues were viewed in the U.S. It was important to the Civil Rights Movement because it was a positive outlook on the future of race rekations in America, taking a view that democracy would triumoh over racism. -
Jackie Robinson breaks MLB color barrier
Jackie Robinson was an American who became the first African American to play in the major league baseball. Robinson broke the baseball color line when the Brooklyn Dodgers started him at first base. The example of Robinson character and talent challenged the traditional basis of segregation, which then marked many other aspects of American life, and then contriubted significantly to the civil rights movement. -
Truman desegregates the Military
Brown V. Borad of Education
Emmet Till murdered
Emmet Till was a Africian American boy that was killed for flirting with a white women. He was born July 25, 1942 and died on August 28, 1955. This was important in the Civil Rights Movement because it was a murder that showed how bad racism was. -
Rosa Parks arrested
An African American civil rights activists. The U.S congress called her "The First Lady of the CIvil Righs Movement" and "The Mother of the Freedom Movement". On December 1st 1955, Parks refused to obey a bus drivers order to give her seat up to a white passenger. Soon after that she was arrested. She was important to the Civil Rights MOvement because she became a international icon of resistance to racial segeration. -
SCLC Founded
Little Rock 9 intergrate Central High School
Sit-ins start in Greensboro, NC
A sit-in is a form of direct action that involves one or more people nonviolenty protesting. It took place at Greenboro, North Carolina Woolworms Store. After 3 weeks, the movement successfully got the store to change its policy. This movement was quickly followed in the same year by a sit-in at a Katz Drug store in Oklahoma City, which was also successful. The events made headlines and recieved government attention. The street south of the site was named Feburary One Place. -
SNCC founded
Freedom Rides
JFK assassianted
James Meredith intergrated Ole Miss
24th Ammendment ratified
Madger Evers assassianted
March on Washington
16th Street Baptist Church bombing
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Freedom Summers Murders
Malcom X assassianted
"Bloody Sunday" in Salem Alabama
Voteing Rights of 1965
Black Panter Party Founded
Dr. King assassianted
RFK assassianted
Tommie Smith and John Carlos protest at the summer Olympics
Montgoery Bus Boycott
Byron de la Beckwith convicted of Medgar Evers Murder
Edgar Ray Killen convicted of Freedom Summer Murder
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