Texas flag 2.0


  • Moved to Mertzon

  • Started 3rd grade at Irion County

  • Started playing Basketball

  • First School Basketball Game

    In sixth grade, I was moved up to play with the Jr. High girls because they didn't have enough for a team.
  • Won District Champs Undefeated in the 8th Grade Division

    In 7th grade, I was moved up to the eighth grade basketball team. We didn't lose a game the entire season.
  • Won Undefeated in District for 8th Grade Again...

    In eighth grade, I was starting point guard for the A team. We had another undefeated season in District.
  • Starting Basketball Season

    This is my freshman year! I am still a point guard and I am on the Varsity Basketball team.
  • Bayee Rainey's Basketball Journey