The Bay of Pigs
Earlier in 1959, Fidel Castro consolidated power in Cuba and the country became communist. The CIA received permission to train Cuban exiles in secret for an invasion of Cuba. Kennedy had just been elected president a few days before and approved the plan. The CIA and exiles hoped that this invasion would overthrow Castro. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The invasion was launched on April 17, 1961. Due to some bad intel and lack of air support, the invasion forces were crushed. This made Kennedy looked really bad while Cuba received a huge moral boost. After the invasion, Soviet supplies to Cuba increased, including Nuclear Warheads. -
Soviet Arms
Cuba was backed by the Soviet Union. Before the Bay of Pigs invasion, the USSR had been supplying Cuba with arms for a long time. Hovever, following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, the flow of arms increased to Cuba. Among these arms were nuclear weapons. -
US Spies Spot Weapons
The US was very cautious about Cuba following Bay of Pigs but kept surveillance up. Then, on Oct. 14, 1962, they found something. A US spyplane found something unusual and menacing. It found a Soviet missile base containing missiles ready to launch. -
Kennedy responds
Upon receiving this intel, Kennedy decided to act. He told the country that if Cuba decided to launch a missile attack, it would prompt an all-out war with Soviet Union. This made the whole world stop. Everyone feared a nuclear war. -
A Quarantine While the Earth Stands Still
Fearing the Soviet Union would give more nuclear arms to Cuba, Kennedy made a bold move. He quarantined the island of Cuba. Essentially he made a naval blockade. These ships provided a unbreachable wall, and if it were breached, a war would start. -
Soviets Halt
Since Kennedy launched a blockade, the Soviets feared breaching it, not wanting to prompt a war. So they ordered a halt. All their ships laden with weapons suddenly stopped to avoid confrontation. Everyone was relieved. -
Missile Removal
Khruschev, leader of the USSR, finally announced on the 28 of October that he had a deal for Kennedy. Pledge not to invade Cuba (and withdraw missiles from Turkey) and we will withdraw our missiles. Kennedy readily accepted. The Cuban Missile Crisis was over.