Lasted 15 minutes
70 minutemen,8 killed,10 wounded
One British soldier injured -
30,000 - 40,000 minutemen assembled
Dozens of British soldiers killed
Humiliated,British soldiers went back to Boston -
Period: to
Battles of the Revolutionary War
Bunker Hill
Thomas Gage sent 2,400 Redcoats up Breeds Hill
450 Colonists lost
1,000 British casualities -
New York
Brits, with 32,000 soldiers sailed into the New York harbor
The untrained and unequipped colonial soldiers retreated
In fall, Washington’s army was pushed across the Delaware River -
Washington led 2,400 people across Deleware river anf off to Trenton, New Jersey
Defeated a garrison of Hessians in a surprise attack -
After the attack at Trenton the British regrouped and captured the American capital at Philadelphia -
General John Burgoyne planned to meet British soldiers as they arrived from New York
While fighting off colonial troops John didn’t realize the rest of the British troops were busy holding Philadelphia and weren’t coming
John surrendered on Oct. 17,1777 -
Valley Forge
While the French signed an alliance with the Americans
Washington and his army tried to stay alive
2,000 soldiers died -
York Town
Despite several defeats the Colonists continued to fight Charles Cornwallis
He chose to move the fight to Virginia
He led his army of 7,500, panning to fortify York Town
Late September French and American troops surrounded the British
On Oct. 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrendered -
Treaty of Paris
Talking of peace began in 1782
The negotiating team included John Adams,John Jay and Benjamin Franklin
It confirmed U.S Independence and set boundaries