Major Battles Of The French And Indian War

  • Battle at Fort Necessity

    Battle at Fort Necessity
    Washington started an attack on the French. The French later on outnumbered Washington and his troops so he surrendered Fort Necessity so his soldiers would be able to retreat from the fort peacefully. The French won the battle.
  • Battle at Fort Beausejour

    Battle at Fort Beausejour
    British soldiers surrounded the fort in hopes to capture Fort Beausejour to gain control of the nearby Isthmus of Chignecto. French surrendered on June 16 because they were outnumbered.
  • Battle of Lake George

    Battle of Lake George
    British forces of 1,500 soldiers and 200 Mohawk Indians defeated a much larger allied French and Indian force of 3,500. The French and Indian troops were scattered away from the battle. The British victory at Lake George was their first important victory over the French.
  • Battle of Ticonderoga

    Battle of Ticonderoga
    British soldiers surprise attacked Fort Carillon but the French were able to resist the attack and so the British were forced to retreat.
  • Battle at Fort Frontenac

    Battle at Fort Frontenac
    The British surrounded Fort Frontenac and because the French were badly outnumbered they had to surrender quickly.
  • Battle at Fort Niagara

    Battle at Fort Niagara
    The British invaded New France from three different directions. British forces defeated the French resistance in a siege on July 26, 1759.
  • Surrender of Montreal

    Surrender of Montreal
    British forces besieged Montreal. French soldiers were outnumbered but did not want to surrender. They were later on forced to surrender. The siege of Montreal marked the end of French rule in North America. The war officially ended on Febraury 10, 1763.