Fort Summer
The civil war begins. Confederate soldiers immediately began taking over federal installations in their states courthouses, post offices and forts. By march 4 only 2 southern forts remained in union hands. Confederacy demanded that Major Anderson surrender or face attack. -
Secession of Virginia
Virginia being unwilling to fight against other southern states seceded a terrible loss to the union. Virginia was a heavily populated state in the south and most industrialized. -
Battle at Bull Run
3 Months after Fort Summer. A army of 30,000 inexperienced union soldiers took off towards the confederate capital at Richmond. Came across a confederate army camped near little creek of Bull Run. Lincoln confirmed attack. Union gained an upper hand. -
New technology/weapons
The inventions of the rifle and the minie ball.
Rifles were more accurate then old fashioned muskets. Soldiers also could load more quicker.
Minie ball was a soft lead bullet that was more destructive then earlier bullets.
Iron clads a ship withstand cannons and can resist burning. -
Battle at Shiloh
A month after Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Grant gathered troops near a small Tennessee church named Shiloh. April 6 thousands of yelling confederate soldiers surprised Union forces. Many union troops were shot while making coffee or laying in bed. Grant reorganized his troops after this disaster. This taught both sides a strategic lesson and how bloody the war will become. -
Battle at Richmond
Union transported the army of Potomac slowly towards the Confederate capital. After a series of battles Johnston was wounded causing Robert E Lee too be commander. He was modest, and willing to go beyond military textbooks. -
Battle at Antietam
Lee moved against the enemy's capital. His troops won a resounding victory at the second battle of bull run. McClellan found Lee's army orders and aggressively ordered his men forward after Lee. And became the bloodiest single day in history. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln disliked slavery he didn't believe that the federal gov. had the power to abolish where it already existed. keep slavery where it is and don't allow it to spread. -
Battle at Gettysburg
Turning point of Civil war. Crippling the south badly that General lee would never possess sufficient forces. -
Gettysburg Address
Ceremony held to dedicate a cemetery in Gettysburg. Abraham Lincoln gave a 2 minute speech that touched everyone. -
Medicine during the civil war
Sanitary proven a success. Sent out agents to teach soldiers things like how to avoid polluting water supply. Causing death rates to slow down. -
Surrender at Appomattox
confederacy was already low on food, shoes, uniforms, guns, and ammunition. Cease-fire agreement based on mutual consent. Rather then surrender. Lee and Grant met to arrange a confederate surrender on April 9, 1865