First Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas
Who: Confederate and Union
Where: Richmond VA
Victory of the south
Begining of it all -
Battle of Shiloh
Who: Confederate & Federal Soldiers
Where: ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennesse River
The north took the victory -
Fort Sumpter
Where: Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
Who: Confederate and Union Army
Condfederate took victory -
Battle of Cold Harbor
Where: Hanover County
Who: Confederate and Federal Army
Confederate took the victory -
Second Battle of Bull Run
Where: Richmond VA
Who: Union and confederate
Confederate got victory -
Battle of Antieman
Where: Maryland
Who: Union and Confederate
Union Army won victory -
Battle of Vickburg
Who: Union and Confederate
Where: Warren County
Union Victory -
Battle of Gettysburg
Who: Union and Confederate
Where: Chancellorsville
Confederate took victory -
Battle of Wilderness, Virginia
Who: Grant and Union Army
Where: Orange County
Grant won victory -
Battle of Spotslyvania
Where: Spotslyvania County, Virginia
Who: Union & Federal Soldiers
North took victory -
Appomattox CourtHouse
Where: Appomattox County
Who: Federal troops and Union troops
Union took victory -
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Who: Union and Confederate
Where: Georgia
Confederate Victory