Civil war

Battles Of The Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Start of War. Fort Sumter surrendered 34 hours later making the confederacy the victor of this battle.
  • First Battle Of Bull Run

    First Battle Of Bull Run
    First Confederate victory. Shows the war will be long and will not be won easily. Won by the confederacy.
  • Glorieta Pass

    Glorieta Pass
    Gettysburg of the West for stopping Confederate invasion of New Mexico Territory. Union victory.
  • Shiloh

    Union victory and first major battle of the Western theater.
  • Antietam

    Bloodiest Day in American history. Union victory.
  • Fredericksburg

    Largest amount of troops involved in battle. The confederacy won.
  • Chancellorsville

    Lee’s greatest victory of the war. Confederacy victory.
  • Vicksburg

    Union victory that split the Confederacy in half.
  • Gettysburg

    Bloodiest Battle of the War. Union victory.
  • Appamattox

    End of War. The union won.