Battles of the Civil War

  • Battle of Sumter

    Battle of Sumter
    Union: Anderson
    Confederacy: Beauregard
    First Battle of Civil War. spark of the Civil War. Beauregard fired on Union first forcing the Union surrendered.
  • 1st battle of Bull Run

    1st battle of Bull Run
    Confederacy: Beauregard and Stone Wall Jackson
    Union: Mcdowell
    Union was forced to retreat quickly. Confederacy won. Changed views of the war. North knew that the war was going to be much longer. South was convinced they were goin to win the war.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Union: General Ulyessus S. Grant and Sherman
    Confederacy: General Beauregard
    Union won.
    Strategic win toward union control of the Mississippi River. Bloody war for two days. Union gained control of Cornith and Memphis.
  • Fall of New Orleans

    Fall of New Orleans
    Union: Captian Farragut
    Union won. Completed control of Mississippi. South couldn't use ports or rivers to carry goods to sea.
  • Antietam

    Union: McClellan
    Confederacy: Lee
    Neither side won. Union prevented Lee from moving forward. Caused Emancipation Proclomation. McClellan had Lee's batlle plans. Considered bloodiest day in American history.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    Confederacy: Lee
    Union: Burnside
    Lee intercepted the troops at Fredericksburg. Lee built trenches so they could fire down and be protected. Drove back Unions forces and they ran back. The Rebels won.
    Important Becuase South won again.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Confederacy: Lee and Jackson
    Union: Hooker
    The confederacy won the battle. This was important because it ruined the Union plans of attacking Richmond, Virginia.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Lasted till July 4rth.
    Union: Meade
    Confederacy: Lee and Pickett
    Union won.
    Important because it stoped hope for help from Britian and France for the South. It was the turning point in the Civil war
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    Union: Ulysses S. Grant
    Confederacy: Everyone
    The Union Won
    It was important because it was the turning point. The Confederacy split in half and lost control of the Mississippi River in the South. Last defenses at Misssissippi River for South.
    47 day seige on water and land.
  • Wilderness Campaign

    Wilderness Campaign
    Fought in dense forests.
    Union: Grant
    Grant moved toward Richmond
    50,000 deaths in 3 days.
    Neither side won
  • Farragut at Mobile Bay

    Farragut at Mobile Bay
    Captain Faragut for Union
    Union won
    Important because it was the last Southern port.
  • Shermans March to the Sea

    Shermans March to the Sea
    Union wanted to bresk the morale of the South
    Burned everything
    Freed slaves
    Marched all the way to the sea.
  • Fall of Richmond/Surrender at Appomattox

    Fall of Richmond/Surrender at Appomattox
    Davis desytroyed Richmond and fled the city.
    Lee surrendered
    Lee and Grant met to discuss end of war.
    Came up with conditions of surrender
    April 9th 1865 CIVIL WAR WAS OVER!