
Battles of the american revolutions

By Tenley
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    General Gage had his men march the streets of Lexington and Concord. Minutemen intercepted and engaged in battle. The British won Lexington but lost concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    it was the deadliest battle. colonists lost 400 men and British lost 1000. British used three different ways of attack but only won the thirst because colonists had a loss of ammunition.
  • Battle of New York

    This was a British victory. colonists were outnumbered and untrained. they had to retreat and were pushed into Pennsylvania quickly.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Washington attacked...the killed about 30 men and almost got 1000 captive.
  • Fight For Philadelphia

    British tried to capture capital of Philadelphia and Washington tried to stop the red coats but did fail. British was successful in capturing Philadelphia.
  • Battle At Saratoga

    A mass of Americans surrounded burgoyne at Saratoga but ended up with burgoyne serenading troops to general gage. the British ended up changing plans.they ended up staying on the coast next to big guns.
  • Winter At Valleyforge

    a harsh winter came through and killed 2000 men out of 10000. and the men that survived remained at post
  • British Take The South

    the british move to the south because of a changed military plan and took charlestown as well as other towns.
  • British Losses

    British faced off with the colonists at Cowpens, and the colonists won. Then at Guilford Courthouse which they also won, but untimely the colonists won. That battle lost the British around a fourth of their troops and many were injured or missing.
  • British Surrender in Yorktown

    The colonists and the French ambushed the British in Yorktown. The battle happened for three weeks but toward the end the ratio of British to colonists was large. So Cornwallis raised a white flag and surrendered.