Battles of the American Revolution Timeline

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker HillAmericans forced British to flee.
    Thomas Gage was the British Commander.
    William Prescott was the Continetal Commander.
    *Battle started because of Lexington and Concord.
    *Americans were fighting down hill and British were fighting up hill.
    *Howe led 1,500 British troops.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Major tactical victory for the British.
    Richard Howe was the British Commander.
    George Washington was the Continental Commander.
    *This Battle was also called the Battle of Broklyn .
    *Howe brought 32,000 troops
    *The Battle of Long Island was also the first major Revolutionary War conflict to occur in the state of New York.
  • Battle of Trenton

    American troops won.
    George Washington was the Continental Commander.
    William Howe was the British Commander.
    *Washington crossed the Delaware into Pennsylvania to gather his forces.
    *This war happend both in PA and NJ.
    *Washington had Thomas Paine's The Crisis read to his men, lifting their spirits for him and his men
  • Battle of Brandywine

    British won
    Will Howe was the British Commander.
    Washington was the American Commander.
    *Brandywine Creek, in southeastern Pennsylvania.
    *Howe was the victor, and he marched into Philadelphia but he had failed to deliver a crushing blow to Washington at Brandywine.
    *Howe brought 15,000 troops.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Amerian victory.
    Fraser was the British General.
    Horatio Gates was the Continental General.
    *Frase was killed claiming an american victory.
    *Burgoyne went into Canada to get more troops for British.
    *there were 2 battles of Saratoga
  • Battle of Monmouth

    American victory.
    Cliton was the Britsh Commander.
    Washington was the Continetal Commander.
    *It was over 100*F outside.
    *It lasted for only one day.
    *Cliton retreated at night.
  • Capture of Savannah

    British capture savannah
    Archibald Campbell- british
    Robert Howe = american
    * The Patriots lost 83 men and another 483 were captured, and the British lost 3 men and 10 were wounded.
    *Savannah remained in British control until the Redcoats left of their own accord on July 11, 1782.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Daniel Morgan- continental
    Banastre Tarleton-british
    Americans won
    *It was a turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina from the British
    *The British lost 39 officers and 60 soldiers killed, 829 were captured and 12 Americans were killed and 60 wounded.
  • Battle of Guilford Court House

    The British won
    *Cornwallis pursued Greene’s army in an attempt to defeat him before launching the final British invasion of Virginia.
    *The British attacked Washington's men
  • Battle of Yorktown

    America and french won
    * America teamed up with France to defeat the British at Yorktown.
    *Lieutenant General de Rochambeau commanded the French
    *The battle lasted from sept. 28 to Oct. 19