Battles of the American Revolution

By svm6431
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Although the name of the war is Battle of Bunker Hill, it was really fought on Breed's Hill because it was closer to Boston than Bunker Hill was. The Americans had a limited amount of ammunition, so as they started to run out the British started to overpower them. This resulted in the British wining this war. Since the British won this war this meant that the hill and the Charlestown Peninsula were under British control.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The troops under Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold marched up to Quebec, and the British took them by surprise as they approached by firing at them. Montgomery was killed right away, so his platoon retreated. Arnold's platoon had the same luck as Montgomery, but Arnold only got shot in the leg. The British won this war too, and the losses of the wars resulted several years later to Benedict became a traitor and sided with the British.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas, and then on the 26th they fought the battle of Trenton. The Patriots were able to sneak up on the British because they were not prepared for the attack since Christmas had just happened. The Patriots surrounded the British, and they attacked them which resulted in the death of Colonel Johann Rall. This was an American victory. The Americans were able to get more weapons and supplies after this war.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Charles Cornwallis trapped Washington and his troops at Trenton, and Cornwallis left Washington thinking they were trapped. Washington's men left to destroy a bridge, and then were attacked by the British. They started to lose, but Washington arrived and started fighting. The Americans won this battle, and showed that he can unite the men into a army that works together and effectively.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    The Americans and British are fighting, and then the British thought that the Americans were retreating; they were really just repositioning. As the British were leaving they were ambushed by more Americans that majorly harmed the British. The Americans won this war, and this helped boost the Americans spirits.
  • Battle of Guildford Courthouse

    Battle of Guildford Courthouse
    General Nathanael Greene's troop fought against Cornwallis' troop for two hours. Greene retreated which gave the 'tactical' victory to the British, but the real winners were the Americans because they killed, wounded, or captured over 25% of Cornwallis' troop. This was a crucial victory for the Americans because this was the second last battle of the Revolutionary War. If it wasn't for this major win the Americans would not have their spirits up even more for the last battle.