Battles of the American Revolution

  • Battles of Concord & Lexington (MA)

    Battles of Concord & Lexington (MA)
    These battles marked the start of the Revolutionary war and led many Americans to fight and support the cause of Independence. The British won the Concord and Lexington Battle.
  • Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga (NY)

    Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga (NY)
    This occurred during the Revolutionary War when a small force of Green Mountain Boys captured small British forts. American troops won this battle.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill (MA)

    Battle of Bunker Hill (MA)
    The British defeated the colonists at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Americans tried to defend the hill when they saw the British coming up the hill.
  • Battle of Long Island (NY)

    Battle of Long Island (NY)
    The British moved against the American Continental Army. This battle was part of a British campaign to seize control of New York. The British won this battle.
  • Battles of Trenton and Princeton (NJ)

    Battles of Trenton and Princeton (NJ)
    In the battle of Trenton George Washington defeated a formidable garrison mercenaries. In the Battle of Princeton Washington lured British troops south and marched at night to capture Princeton. American army won this battle
  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

    Battle of Brandywine Creek
    George Washington was determined from stopping the British from capturing the Government seat. He mistakenly believed his army blocked all fords along Brandywine. They didn't and the British came in and attacked them leading the British to win this battle.
  • Battle of Saratoga (NY)

    Battle of Saratoga (NY)
    This battle occurred during the second year of the American Revolution which included two crucial battles that were fought eighteen days apart. This was a decisive victory for the Continental Army.
  • Battle of Charlestown (SC)

    Battle of Charlestown (SC)
    This battle was a military conflict between Kingdom of Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America.
  • Battle of Cowpens (SC)

    Battle of Cowpens (SC)
    A brilliant American victory over British force on the northern border of South Carolina that slowed Lord Cornwallis's to invade North Carolina. There was 600 British casualties and 72 American casualties.
  • Yorktown/ Surrender (VA)

    Yorktown/ Surrender (VA)
    Franco-American land and sea campaign that trapped major British army on a peninsula at Yorktown Virginia. This forced its surrender and ended military operations in the American Revolution.