Battles of the American Revolution

By Drakko1
  • Battles of Concord & Lexington

    Battles of Concord & Lexington
    kicked off the American Revolutionary war and the colonists won
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    inexperienced Americans,that patriotic dedication could overcome British military and the British One
  • Battles of Trenton & Princeton

    Battles of Trenton & Princeton
    patriot cause leading many recruits to join the continental army in the spring and George Washington won
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    British in control of new York for the rest of the revolutionary war George Washington and the continental was forced to retreat and the British won
  • Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga

    Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga
    served morale booster and provided key artillery for the continental army the British won by withdrew
  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

    Battle of Brandywine Creek
    British seized Philadelphia after their victory and the British won
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    gave France the confidence in the american cause to enter the war as an american ally the Americans won
  • Battle of Charlestown

    Battle of Charlestown
    British gained control of the south and the Americans lost many soldiers due to the surrender and the British won
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    left British with causalities that could not be replaced and was the most decisive american victory of the independence war
  • Yorktown / Surrender

    Yorktown / Surrender
    Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington as french and american forces trapped British and the general lord Charles Cornwallis won