battles of the american revolution

By woden76
  • battle of concord and lexington

    battle of concord and lexington
    first battle of the revolution and first time for military engagements battle was fought between militia and british .. british didn't win nor did militia win
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    gen. gage attacks colonists near boston and gb ships bombarded breeds hill before sending troops up three times and that had colonists reppell attacks before running out of ammo
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    the british army moved against the american army led by George Washington and the british were suppose to seize control of new york and seperate new england from the other colonies but washington and his force escaped
  • Battles of Trenton & Princeton

    Battles of Trenton & Princeton
    George washington's army crossed the icy delaware on christmas day 1776 and, over the course of the next 10 days, won two important battle
  • Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga

    Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga
    was the first rebel victory of the revolutionary war surprising and capturing the sleeping british garrison militiamen won though
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

    Battle of Brandywine Creek
    was fought between the continental army of gen george w. and the british army of gen. sir william howe . gen george was determined to prevent the british from taking the american seat of the government