Boston tea party currier colored

Battles of the American Revolution

  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    British Action General Gage orders troops to march to Concord, Massachusetts, and take the colonial weapons Colonial Reaction
    Minutemen intercept the British and engage in battle first at Lexington the minutemen fired while backing up, and then at Concord fired at the British soldiers when they were lined up it was a brutal attack.
    this was the beginning of the war
  • Battle at Bunker Hill

    Battle at Bunker Hill
    The British decided to attack the Minutemen, they sent 2,400 British soldiers, The Minutemen open fired and it took three attempts for the British to succeed and that was because of the lack of ammo for the Minutemen.
    This was the deadliest battle of the war.
  • Battle of New York

    Battle of New York
    The British had 32,000 soldiers which includes German mercenaries and General Washington had pulled together 23,000 soldiers that were untrained with poor equipment.
    The Americans retreated in late August, The American had fewer than 8,000 soldiers left. America needs a victory
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The American Army on Christmas night took 2,400 men across the Delaware River to get to Trenton, The Hessins were drunk from rum and were sleeping, The Americans killed 30 and took 918 prisoners.
    8 days later The Americans won Against 1,200 British soldiers. This was the turning point of the war for the Americans.
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    Fight for Philadelphia
    The British General Howe decided to capture Philadelphia and succeed this was were Howe enjoyed the loyalists hospitality, and Continental congress retreated.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The British Had 8,000 men, 30 wagons with 138 pieces of artillery and were lead by General Burgoyne, who was headed to Albany, and was surrounded by the Americans in Saratoga and the British were forced to surrender his army to General Gates.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Soldiers of the American army suffered from exposure and of frostbite, and surgeons unsuccessfully tried to save arms and limbs from amputation at Valley forge in Philadelphia. The army started with 10,000 soldiers and lost 2,000 from hunger, snow, and wind.
  • British take South

    British take South
    general Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8,500 men. In their greatest victory of the war, the British captured Charles Town, South Carolina, in May 1780 and marched 5,500 American soldiers off as prisoners of war.
  • British losses in 1781

    British losses in 1781
    these fights weakened the British army even if they outnumbered the continental army. these fights caused them to take 7,500 soldiers to Yorktown and that was a great mistake for the British, the Americans joined forces with the 3 french fleets and set to attack the British.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    this was the final fight of the revolutionary war, the British general was to embarrassed by the surrender to give his sword but sent his assistant