American rev

Battles of the American Revolution

  • battle at concord

    The British marched on to Concord
    3000 - 4000 colonial militiamen gathered
    Firing behind trees and walls
    british fell by the dozens
    British were defeated, went back to Boston humiliated
    British: lost 73 killed, 174 wounded
    Colonists: 49 killed, 39 wounded
    Samuel Adams told John Hancock that this was a “glorious day for america”
  • Battle at Lexington

    British Soldiers made it to Lexington
    British Soldiers told colonial minutemen to put their weapons down
    A shot was fired, no one knew for sure who fired it
    Battle started. Lasted 15 minutes.
    8 minutemen died, ten wounded
    1 British Soldier died
  • battle of trenton

    The Hessians: German Mercenaries hired by Great britain to fight against the colonists.
    George Washington and his men crossed the delaware river with over 2400troops
    Surrounded the hessians on all sides
    Hessians were passed out drunk from their Christmas Celebrations
    George Washington and his men killed 30 Hessians, took 918 prisoners, and were able to take the Hessian’s weapons.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The British are harassed by colonial guerilla forces and end up stretching their supply lines.
    The British will surrender to the Colonial forces lead by General haratio gates.
    Saratoga is important because it is a major defeat for the british and shows the french that the colonies may be able to win the war.
    Saratoga is considered the turning point ofthe war. The French begin to supply arms ,men, and their navy to help the colonies.
  • the battle of yorktown

    The French are helping the Continental army with men, weapons, and warships
    The Americans and the French will cornerthe British on a small peninsula and bombard them with cannon fire.
    The British will surrender and end the American Revolution.
    The colonists will win the American Revolutions with this victory.
  • treaty of parris

    Great Britain didn’t want Americans to get full independence
    France wanted American Independence, but didn’t want America to have too much power
    Spain Wanted land West of the Appalachian Mountains