Battles of Concord & Lexington
British came to take the colonists weapons but the colonists fought them off resulting in a colonist victory -
battle of bunker hill
British fire canons on bunker hill the entire night after are driven off three times by the colonists until the colonists ran out of supplies which caused them to retreat which resulted in a win for GB -
Battle of long island
British victory battle also called the battle of Brooklyn caused the colonists to retreat all the way back to Pennsylvania -
Battle of Ft. Ticonderoga
A colonist victory, colonists take over large british fort in new york -
Battle of Trenton & Princeton
ended up in a colonial victory, caused many to join up in the spring after this battle -
Battle of Brandywine Creek
British victory and the British seized Philadelphia -
Battle of Saratoga
A decisive victory for the colonists and was a turning point in the war -
Battle of Charlestown
The British won and it was the worst battle for the colonists that caused them the south and the lives of many colonists -
Battle of Cowpens
Colonists won and caused the British replaceable casualties and was the most decisive battle of the war that lead to the British surrender -
Battle of Yorktown and surrender
won the war for the colonists and lead to the treaty of Paris and George Washington becoming the first president