Battles Of The American Revolution

  • Lexington and Concord

    3,800 American Soldiers
    1500 British Soldiers
    Events Leading to Battle: Marched to Concord
    Important Figures:
    American: Colonel James Barrett, Dr Joseph Warren, William Heath, Colonel John Butrick, Johnpscker
    British: Lieutenant-General Hugh Percy, Major John Pitcairn, Major-General Francis Smith
    What they did in Battle: They killed and wounded and captured people.
    Outcome of the Battle:
    Winner: British
    Americans: Killed 49, wounded 39, captured 0
    British: killed 73, wounded 174,
  • Siege of Ticonderoga

    American Soldiers: 168British Soldiers: 78 Important Figures;
    American: Benedict Arnold, Ethan Allen
    British: Captain William DeLaPlace
    Outcome of the Battle:
    Winner: British
    Americans: Killed 0, Wounded 0, captured 1
    Britsh: Killed 0, wounded 0, captured 0
  • Bunker Hill

    American Soldiers: 2,400British Soldiers: 3,000 Important Figures
    American: Dr. Joseph Warren, Israel Putnam, William Prescott
    British: Sir William Howe
    Outcome of the Battle:
    Winner: British
    Americans: Killed 115, wounded 305, captured 30
    British: killed 226, wounded 828, captured 0
  • Trenton

    American Soldiers: 2,400British Soldiers: 1,520 Important Figures:
    American: George Washington
    British: Johann Rall
    Outcome of the battle: Winner: British
    Casualities: Americans: killed 2, wounded 5, captured 0. British: Killed 22, wounded 86, captured 906
  • Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)

    American Soldiers: 9,000British Soldiers: 7,200 Important Figures:
    American: Benedict Arnold, Daniel Morgan, Horatio Gates
    British: General John Burgoyne
    Outcome of the battle: Winner: British
    Casualities: American killed 60, wounded 260, captured 0
    British killed 140, wounded 370, captured 390
  • Yorktown

    American Soldiers: 20,600British Soldiers: 8,980 Important Figures: American: George Washington
    British: Lord Charles Cornwallis
    Outcome of the Battle: Winner: British
    Casualities: Americans killed 72, wouned 180, captured 0
    British killed 309, wounded 326, captured 8007