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Battles of American Revolution Timeline

  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    The Battle lasted for 15 minutes as the King's troops approached 70 minutemen as the commander ordered to step aside but they refused to stay. Suddenly someone fired, the battle began and only a few minutemen were injured and others died
  • Battle at Bunker Hill

    Battle at Bunker Hill
    As the battle took place in Boston, colonist battle and lost losing men as British won losing more men than the colonist. This deadly battle shows the colonist will fight and not give up against the British.
  • Battle of New York

    Battle of New York
    Two brothers join forces and sail to New York along with 3200 soldiers especially German troops who fought for money. Washington had 2300 men for New York defense with cow supplies.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington and his 2,400 men crossed the Delaware River then surrender on Hessian which George prison them when the Hessian passed out on their celebration. They also took the Hessian's weapons.
  • Fight for Philadelphia

    Fight for Philadelphia
    Thought the weather of spring, General Howe seize his troops to Philadelphia after the war in New York as the British took over Philadelphia but they enjoy the war with another victory.
  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    The British surrender to colonial forces by General Horatio. This war was important to defeat the British and the French may win the war by helping the colonist with supplies and transportation to defeat the British.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    After the battle of Saratoga, the colonist won the war. But they set camp at Valley Forge to wait for France's arrival for more supplies so they wait in the coldest of raging winter that many soldiers died from frostbite and starvation but those survive.
  • British take South

    British take South
    Washington sent his troops to defeat another British's army. As they stopped the British at South Carolina so the war was back with victories and defeats but the British was weaken by this war.
  • British loss

    British loss
    As the colonist won the war, British were upset that they've lost with weak lost of low men and supplies.
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    British Surrender at Yorktown
    As the French help with supplies and warship, they won the Revolution as the British surrender and ended the war with this glorious win of outrageous battles in the past.