Battles of America

  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    -First battle of the Revolutionary War
    -British troops were marching to Concord to seize rebel weapons
    -Colonists won and British retreated to Boston
    Important people:
    Rebels- Samuel Adams & John Hancock (British wanted to capture them), Paul Revere & William Dawes (sounded alarm)
    British- Major John Pitcairn (Lexington) & Colonel Francis Smith (Concord)
    -Beginning of the war
    -Showed the colonists weren't going to be brushed off, but were going to fight for what they believed in
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    -British won
    -In Massachusetts
    -most of the fighting occurred on Breed's Hill
    Important people:
    British- Major General William Howe & Brigadier General Robert Pigot
    Colonists- William Prescott
    -British firmly held control of Charlestown Peninsela
    -Significant morale-builder for inexperienced colonists
  • Invasion of Quebec

    Invasion of Quebec
    Important people:
    Colonists- Colonel Benedict Arnold & General Richard Montgomery
    British- General Guy Carleton(governor of Quebec)
    -Colonists went to capture the British city of Quebec
    -Wanted to win support for American cause in Canada
    -Montgomery died
    -Montgomery captured Montreal on Nov. 13th
    -Arnold led his men through wilderness of present-day Maine
    -Arnold had to wait for Montgomery to arrive to attack
    -1st major defeat of war for Colonists
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Important people:
    Colonists- General George Washington "W"
    British- General Charles Cornwallis "C"
    -W evades conflict with C & leaves Princeton for Trenton, NJ
    -C was sent to "bag" W
    -On Jan 2, C arrived in Trenton & wants to overwhelm W's troops
    -C known W will try to escape, but how
    -C thinks he will go back over the Delaware River that he crossed on Dec 25
    -W leaves fires going & sneaks around British camp
    -Another win fro Colonists
    -C leaves NJ to W
  • Battle of Savannah

    Battle of Savannah
    Important People:
    British-Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell "C"
    Patriots-Major General Robert Howe "H"
    -C had 2500-3600 troops & launched a surprise attack on forces defending Savannah, GA
    -H had 650-900 troops
    -H ordered the city to be evacuated &army to withdraw
    -Heavy losses for H when men were cut off; lost 83 men & 483 were captured
    -British lost 3 men & 10 were wounded
    -Savannah stayed in British control until July, 1782 when they left by themselves
    -many casualties for us
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Important People:
    British- General Cornwallis "C"
    Patriots- George Washington "W" & French General Comte de Rochambeau "R"
    -C had retreated to Yorktown in June 1781
    -W was outside NY
    -34 ships were coming from French West Indies to help
    -W closed of C's escape on land& R on sea
    -W & R began their final attack on Oct 14; captured 2 British defenses & leading to surrender from C & 9,000 troops
    -final battle of American Revolution
    -British began peace negotiations after American victory