History world map

Battles leading to Rev. War

  • Battle of Lexington & Concord--Located in Boston, MA

    Battle of Lexington & Concord--Located in Boston, MA
    The British commander in Boston had heard of supplies like powder and weapons being kept by Patriots in the towns of Lexington & Concord. The commander and his troops went to see what was going on, and that is when the war happened. The Americans did take the victory on this day and caused the British to retreat back. This battle was important because it was one of the first battles of the Revolutionary War. This battle was famously known for, ¨ shot heard round the world.¨
  • Battle of Bunker Hill--Located on the Charleston, Peninsula on the north side of the Boston Harbor

    Battle of Bunker Hill--Located on the Charleston, Peninsula on the north side of the Boston Harbor
    The Americans starting the war by building a fort around the British troops to trap them. This led the British to openfire on the Americans. The British then continued on to win that battle.The importance of this battle was that it gave America a confidence boost, even though they lost, they still inflicted many terrible casualties on the British. The Americans gave the British a run for their money, and this battle mentally and physically prepared the Americans for more battles in the future.
  • Battle of Long Island--Located in New York

    Battle of Long Island--Located in New York
    This was a battle between the Americans and the British to determine who would gain control over New York and its land. The British had 20,000 troops while Americans only had 10,000 troops. The British did win and then they drove the Americans out of Brooklyn and forced them to leave NY. The importance of this battle was that this battle gave the British control over New York for the battles to come. This was also one of the first MAJOR battles of the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Trenton & Princeton--Located in Trenton, New Jersey

    Battle of Trenton & Princeton--Located in Trenton, New Jersey
    Since the British were in NY at the time, Washington decided to sail across the Delaware River where the Americans then prepared to fight the British. This was a battle that took place in the morning and took the British by surprise. The importance of this battle was the the Americans won, so it gave the Americans an even bigger confidence boost when they easily crushed the British. This battle prepared them even more for the many battles to come.
  • Battle of Saratoga--Located in Saratoga County, New York

    Battle of Saratoga--Located in Saratoga County, New York
    During this battle, the Americans took a little different approach towards trying to beat the British. Right as the battle began, the Americans surrounded the British and then caused the British to surrender. This battle was very important because this was the war that told Americans, that they might actually be able to win this whole war. They really came to a realization that they might be able to come together and beat the British once and for all.
  • Pt. 1--Battle of Vincennes-- Located in Vincennes, Indiana ( Fort Sackville )

    Pt. 1--Battle of Vincennes-- Located in Vincennes, Indiana ( Fort Sackville )
    Before the battle... One day, french-canadians walked onto where Clark was staying, unaware of what was going to occur, Clark captured 6 of them and then killed them. He did this just to act scary so his troops would fear him. Then the next day the battle broke out and....( continued on next event because I ran out of word count )
  • Pt.2-- Battle of Vincennes-- Located in Vincennes, Indiana ( Fort Sackville )

    Pt.2-- Battle of Vincennes-- Located in Vincennes, Indiana ( Fort Sackville )
    the Americans won, due to the account of bluffing. The Americans raised more flags for their troops then they actually had.This was the importance of this battle because the Americans said they had more troops then they actually did, causing the British to surrender because they were fearful of all of the soldiers. This was considered a revolutionary frontier battle.
  • Battle of Bonhomme Richard vs. Serapis-- Located in the ocean near the British Isles

    Battle of Bonhomme Richard vs. Serapis-- Located in the ocean near the British Isles
    Jones was sailing around the British Isles when he came into contact with the boat named the Serapis. The Serapis struck the Bonhomme Richard and both captains became very angry at each other causing a battle to occur. After 3 hours of fighting, the Serapis finally surrendered. This battle was important because Jones ( captain of the winning ship ) came from barely anything and a small background of sailing into this major hero who won one of the first battles of the Rev. War.
  • Battle of Charleston--Located in Charleston, South Carolina

    Battle of Charleston--Located in Charleston, South Carolina
    The Americans were immediately surrounded when they came into this battle by the British. So obviously the British won this battle. The Americans suffer their worst defeat ever due to the surrender of Major General Ben Lincoln to British Lt. Henry Clinton. The importance of this battle was that these battles helped the British shift their focus towards fighting the southern colonies, the British changed their main focus now to the southern colonies.This battle took place near the end of the war.
  • Battle of Guilford Courthouse-- Located in the North Carolina countryside

    Battle of Guilford Courthouse-- Located in the North Carolina countryside
    Cornwallis ( British commander ) won over Nathaniel Green ( American commander ) and this battle was the result of British and American clashing due to hard campaigning. ( fighting for what they believed in ) Even though they won, the British suffered a hard troop loss. This battle was extremely important because during this battle, the British lost so many troops. Their huge troop loss later led to their defeat in the war.
  • Battle of Yorktown-- Located in Yorktown, Virginia

    Battle of Yorktown-- Located in Yorktown, Virginia
    Cornwallis ( British Commander ) was cut off immediately and had to surrender. The Americans trapped the British so all they could do was surrender. Giving another defeat to the George Washington and the American colonists. This battle was important because it is considered the last major land battle of the American Rev. War, the British´surrender ended the war once and for all.