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Battles in World War ll

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This was a brutal attack, Hitler calls it the blitzkrieg. Nazis Germany had suprise bombed 16 british cities. London got the worst, by being bombed 17 times. Hitler wanted to neutralize Britain’s superiority. The German bombed naval bases, war industries, communication centers and more.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Without declaring war Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. The Germans experienced great success with gaining/ invading Russia. German troops advanced rapidly, capturing two million Russian soldiers. But, the harsh Russian winter forced Germans to leave from Moscow and Leningrad, making Hitler go south to the oil field on the captain sea.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese aircrafts attacked the U.S. naval base in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor). It was a surprise attack, the whole force was unprepared, the Americans thought it was a drill set up by the U.S. airforce. The Japanese struck and sank 18 ships, destroyed about 350 aircrafts and killed/injured more than 3,500 Americans. This attack was the final push for the United State to enter the war.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Hitler wanted the city of Stalingrad. He thought it was going to be a easy to steal but by surprise, the people of Stalingrad put up a fight. Citizens help prepare the women and kids helped dig anti tank trenches and built bomb shelters. There was fights above and underground. People worked in factories repairing damaged tanks. While hilter was pre celebrating. Stalin had the Germans encircled and cut off their supplies, with the hard winter weather the Germans surrendered.
  • Battle of the Midway Island

    Battle of the Midway Island
    This battle was when the U.S. planes destroyed four attacking Japanese aircrafts carriers. This battle was a victory for the U.S. when the defeated the Japanese navy and established naval superiority in the pacific.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    This is when the American naval forces saved Australia from being invaded by the Japanese.