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By ThainaQ
  • Battle of Fort Summer

    Cause: Fort summer was cut off from the Union supplies. Lincoln contacted South Carolina leadership to alert them that the U.S would be sending food to the Union fortification isolated within Confederate territory.
    Effect: Confederate forces staged a 24- hour bombardment against the fort and, by attacking federal property, committed an act of open rebellion. The Civil War began. The Confederates won the battle at Fort Summer. Prompted the states of the Upper south to join the Confederacy
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  • Battle of Antietam

    Cause: Robert E. Lee marched his forces to Antietam Creek, Maryland a border slave state.
    Effect: It made the Confederate forces believe that if war was pushed into Maryland it would join the confederacy. There were over 26,000 casualties. Neither side secured a victory. The battle of Antietam was Lee's failure to win encouraged Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Cause: General Robert E. Lee planned am invasion of union territory would significantly weaken Northern support for the war effort.
    Effect: Lee's army was met by Union troops at Gettysburg. Approximately 51,000 soldiers were killed. It's now known as the Deadliest battles of the American Civil War. After 3 days of fighting, the confederates retreated in defeat. Gettysburg marked the beginning of the end for the Confederates forces in the east.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Union General Ulysses S. Grant laid siege to Vicksburg, Mississippi because whoever controlled the high ground there in the bend of the Mississippi River would control traffic on the whole river.
    Effect: Achieved 1 of the Union's major strategic goals in the west. Confederate troops and supplies from Arkansas, Louisana, and Texas were cut off from the East. The Union victory was the turning point of the war. The confederate loss also meant they lost the ability to move their forces & supplies.
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Cause: Union General William Tecumseh Sherman besieged Atlanta for 6 weeks then captured the vitally important center of Confederate manufacturing and railway traffic.
    Effect: Union troops burned Atlanta to the ground, then marched across Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean, and on through the Carolinas. They destroyed railways, roads, bridges, and livestock they didn't harvest and butcher for their own nourishment