Battle's of the 1800s

  • Fredericksburg

    State it happened in:virginia
    Description from word bank:4
    Who won the battle? confearency of forces involved from each side: Union:100,000
    Confederate:72,500 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:12,500
  • Shiloh

    State it happened in:Tennessee
    Description from word bank:9
    Who won the battle? The union of forces involved from each side: Union:65,085
    Confederate:44,968 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:13,047
  • The first battle of bull run

    The first battle of bull run
    State it happened in:washington
    Description from word bank:7
    Who won the battle? confederate of forces involved from each side: Union:28,450
    Confederate:32,230 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:2,896
  • Antietam

    State it happened in:Maryland
    Description from word bank:
    Who won the battle? inconclusive of forces involved from each side: Union:87,000
    Confederate:45,000 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:12,401
  • Fort Wagner

    Fort Wagner
    State it happened in:virginia
    Description from word bank: 2
    Who won the battle? of forces involved from each side: Union:100,000
    Confederate:72,500 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:12,500
  • Chancellorsvile

    State it happened in:Virginia
    Description from word bank:8
    Who won the battle? confederate of forces involved from each side: Union:97,382
    Confederate:57,352 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:17,304
  • Vicksburg

    State it happened in:Mississippi
    Description from word bank:5
    Who won the battle? Union of forces involved from each side: Union:77,00
    Confederate:33,00 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:4,910
  • Gettysburg

    State it happened in:Pennsylvania
    Description from word bank:
    Who won the battle? Union of forces involved from each side: Union:93,921
    Confederate:71,669 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:23,049
  • Appomttox

    Date it happened:April 9 1865
    State it happened: virginia
    Description from word bank:1
    Who won the battle? The union of forces involved from each side:1 Union:0
    Confederate:0 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:0
  • Gloritta Pass Battle

    Gloritta Pass Battle
    Date it happened: march 26-28,1962
    State it happened in:new mexico
    Description from word bank: 10
    Who won the battle? The union of forces involved from each side: Union:1300
    Confederate:1340 of soldiers that died on each side: Union:50