Battle of the Philippines

  • The Philippine Department had been reinforced with 8,500 troops from the U.S.

  • Douglas MacArthur whas named as commander of the USAFFE

  • The Department now counted with 31.095 people

  • Japanese attack on Pearl harbour

  • Japanese attack on Clark Field

  • Manila declared as an open city

  • Withdraw of the filipinos to the Bataan Peninsula

  • Filipinos leaders prepare the Hukbalahap, to fend off the japanese invasion

  • Bataan death march

  • Japanese attack on Corregidor

  • MacArthur comes back to the Island Leyta

  • Battle of Leyte Gulf, U.S. Navy wins

  • Retake of Manila by the Allied Forces and guerrillas

  • Japanese army surrender in Baguio City, Philippines

  • Official liberation of the Philippines from japanese