First battle of the marne

Battle of the Marne

  • First Day (First Battle)

    First Day (First Battle)
    The First Battle of the Marne began on September 5th 1914. The battle was fought by France, and Great Britain vs Germany.
  • Germany almost breaks through (First Battle)

    Germany almost breaks through (First Battle)
    On Septermber 6th, 1914 German forces almost broke through against the Allies Sixth Army.
  • Help for the Sixth Army (First Battle)

    Help for the Sixth Army (First Battle)
    On September 7th, 1914 the Allies Sixth army was aided by 10,000 French troops from Paris.
  • Allies suprise the Germans (First Battle)

    Allies suprise the Germans (First Battle)
    French commander General Franchet d'Esperey and his Fifth Army lauched a suprise attack on the German forces Second Army.
  • German forces RETREAT(First Battle)

    German forces RETREAT(First Battle)
    On September 9th,1914 the German forces First, and Second Armies retreated to Aisne River.
  • Last Day(First Battle)

    Last Day(First Battle)
    The First Battle of the Marne ended on September 12th, 1914. It was an Allie Victory (France, Great Britain) against Germany.
  • First Day (Second Battle)

    First Day (Second Battle)
    The Second Battle of the Marne began on July 15th,1918. It was fought by The Allies (France, Great Britain, United States, and Italy) vs Germany.
  • Allies Attack(Second Battle)

    Allies Attack(Second Battle)
    On July 18th,1918, 24 French Divisions and 350 U.S tanks attacked the German salient
  • Germans forces RETREAT(Second Battle)

    Germans forces RETREAT(Second Battle)
    On July 20th,1918 German forces ordered a reatreat and weere forced back to the positions that they started their Spring Offensives at.
  • Last Day(Second Battle)

    Last Day(Second Battle)
    The Second Battle of the Marne endedn on August 6th,1918. It was an Allie victory.