Battle of Okinawa

  • Preparations

    The US Navy prepared for Operation Iceberg, which was the invasion of Okinawa. Troops landed on smaller island nearby to prepare for this invasion
  • Battle Begins

    Battle Begins
    The US Tenth Army landed on the southwest coast of the island of Okinawa. American forces faced little opposition upon landing
  • Japan Defends

    Japan Defends
    Japanese forces fiercely defended Okinawa. This attack involved 355 kamikazes and over 300 fighter escorts, lasted for five fours, and resulted in 34 US Navy ships being hit by kamikazes.
  • Yamato Sinks

    Yamato Sinks
    Japan's battleship, Yamato, was sent to attack the US, but was sank along with most of its crew by about 380 aircraft.
  • Baka

    Baka was a piloted cruise missile that debuted in Okinawa. Its first victim was the destroyer, USS Abele. The USS Abele sank on April 12, 1945.
  • le Shima

    Parts of the 10th Army began an offensive on le Shima before and American forces were successful by April 22. During this time, beloved journalist Ernie Pyle was killed by Japanese machine-gun fire.
  • Southern Okinawa Offensive

    Japanese forces launched an offensive by trying to make amphibious assaults on the coasts behind American lines. This attack failed due to American counter-battery fire destroying many Japanese artillery pieces.
  • Sugar Loaf Hill

    American forces attacked Sugar Loaf Hill, which was an important hill that had hundreds of entrances to underground positions. This hill was captured on May 16 by US forces.
  • Battle Ends

    Many Japanese troops and Okinawa citizens believed Americans took no soldiers, so many took their own lives. Instead of surrendering, General Ushijima and General Cho committed ritualistic suicide, ending the battle.