U.S. Navy Breaks Japanese Code
In early 1942, Navy codebreakers had learned of the Japanese plans to attack a place in the Pacific called "AF". To figure out what AF meant, American troops in Midway were ordered to send a fake message that they were running low on water. After it was sent, a Japanese message was deciphered saying that "AF" was short on water. Concluding that "AF" meant Midway. -
U.S. Waits to Ambush Japanese
Now knowing where the Japanese planned to attack, the American Forces prepared at Midway to counterattack. -
Japanese Forces are Aware of Trap
As they were retreating back to the carriers, the Japanese Navy became aware of the U.S. Navy in their proximity. -
Japanese Aircrafts Attack
Japanese aircrafts from their carriers attacked and damaged the Midway U.S. base. The Marine Corps force stationed there suffered many losses, but the buildings only endured slight damage. -
American Carrier is Damaged
The last Japanese carrier sent two waves of bombing on the American carriers, severely damaging Yorktown. -
Final Japanese Carrier Destroyed
Bombers from Enterprise struck and sank the last Japanese carrier. -
American Torpedo Bombers Launch
American carriers Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet launched torpedo bombers to attack the Japanese ships. -
American Dive Bombers Attack
Dive Bombers from Yorktown and Enterprise attacked and damage two Japanese carriers and wrecked a third. -
Japanese Forces Chased Off
Admiral Spruce's task force pushed the Japanese fleet west whilst the crew of Yorktown fought to keep it floating. -
Final Aerial Strikes Made
A Japanese cruiser and three ships were sunk by American dive bombers. Yorktown and another destroyer were torpedoed by a Japanese submarine, sinking the next morning.