490 BCE
Battle of Marathon
King Darius put down a revolt and vowed to defeat Athens after Athenians helped one of their colonies in the Persian Empire rebel against Persian Rule. The battle of Marathon was won by the Greeks through Phalanx formation, at the city-state Marathon. Phalanx formation is foot soldiers fighting side by side with spear and shield. After their victory, Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform the Athens they won the battle. This battle was important because the marathon race today is named after it. -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
Again, the Greeks showed their victory, through the Battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks united to stop Xerxes from taking Athens. There were 300 Spartans and 7,000 other Greeks, against 10,000 Persians. The 300 Spartans held Thermopylae, a mountain pass, for three days, but eventually lost. However, the Spartans found a secret passage around the mountain pass given by a Greek traitor. The passage allowed the Greeks to avoid the Persians, and win the battle. -
480 BCE
Battle of Salamis
In this sea battle, the Greeks used a battering ram to destroy the Persians and sink ⅓ of Persian fleet. Even though the Greeks were outnumbered, they won the Persian Wars against the Persians, which was important. -
Period: 449 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age
Athens became very powerful & wealthy after the Persian Wars, which led to the Golden Age of culture, sculpture, theater, philosophy, and democracy. Pericles increased democracy, created strongest navy, and made Athens beautiful, including building of the Parthenon. Classical art was also present during the Golden Age and had features such as ideal beauty, serene, symmetry, and youthful features. The Greeks also invented two different genres in theater, tragedy & comedy, which was important. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Athens became too powerful as the leader of the Delian League and built a powerful navy + trading empire. Some of the city-states wanted to leave the League because Persian threat was gone & there were harsh fees. Spartans created the Peloponnesian League to counter Delian League. Pericles, the leader of Athens at the time, bought all citizens behind city’s wall for protection. This war was important because it was a struggle for power between the Ancient Greek city-states Athens & Sparta. -
Period: 430 BCE to 426 BCE
Plague in Athens
During the Peloponnesian Wars, Pericles led the Athenians to the city's wall for protection. Unfortunately during the 2nd year, Athens underwent a plague, which killed ⅓ of the population, including Pericles. This was a key factor in the Spartans winning the war because most of the Athenian population had died. -
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander the Great's Ruling
When King Phillip the II of Macedonia died, his son Alexander became King at age 20. He was well educated and trained as a military officer. He was tutored by Aristotle and had gone on many military ventures with his father. Alexander conquered Greece + the Persian Empire. After he died of Malaria at age 33, his empire was split up among his generals. Alexander the Great was important because he was king at such a young age and was able to conquer Greece, which the Persians couldn't. -
Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE
Hellenistic Age
Alexander's empire combined the knowledge of four great empires, Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India. This combination of Greek influence with Eastern ideas created Hellenistic culture. Alexandria, Egypt was the most important city for Hellenistic culture and was known for knowledge. Also, many mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers studied in Alexandria. Hellenistic Art, contrasted from the Golden Age, showed realism. Sculptures were more realistic, emotional, and tended to show movement.