the civil war united states of america 758087 795 638

Berry L. George

  • Battle of Manassas

    Battle of Manassas
    he was doing well, but took part in the hard fought Battle of Manassas. at the battle he fired twenty-two rounds
  • Pleuricy Fever

    Pleuricy Fever
    He was stating to get sick and found out that he had Pleuricy Fever. Some of the men dont have any shoes, stockings or even a coat.
  • Battery

    we are moving to a new location not for sure where they were going. Berry is doing okay and he thinks that they are going down the river to take battery. (5)
  • calvary

    Berry is doing well but hasnt herd from his family much, Philp told Berry that Chancy and Uncle Cypron were dead. Berry has not been out of picqet gaurd within 5 miles of farface court house. they stayed there for 4 days and had a fire nd good time. there ws about 200 calvery and before long there was 500 calvery. we had a horse die so we then had meat to eat which was really good considering they dont get that alot.
  • Pay Day!

    Pay Day!
    today Berry was payed so he is going to send money to his family
  • Salt Horse

    Salt Horse
    he has not been feeling good and he only wighs 175 pounds although its the most he has ever weighed in his life. the only thing they have to eat is dry bread and coffee and sometimes a peice of salt horse
  • Gaurd Duty

    Gaurd Duty
    he hasnt wrote in a while but he was on gaurd duty for a while now. but he has also been sick for 3 weeks now.
  • Gaurding

    Berry finally grew in his hair sense he left and is starting to go to church in the location hes at. the weather conditions have been really good. 5 companies are gaurding the biltmore and washingtion railroad. while th eother 5 are on the harpers ferry road.
  • Richmond

    Berry is leaving to go to RIchmond Virginia
  • Great Battle

    Great Battle
    Berry just got done fighting the great battle that was 7 days long. the loss of killed wounded and missing was about 80.
  • Sickness !

    Sickness !
    Berry is doing well but someone dies almost everyday and everyone is very sickly.
  • Gaurd Duty

    Gaurd Duty
    Berry is still alive and well. burnside is stuck in the mud and we had to travel 25 miles and then ruen back round and come back and the mud was about 6 inches deep. Berry is going on guard duty.
  • SNOW!!!

    Berry said the conditions are changing and its really cold and they even recived snow here in Washington D.C.
  • cloth houses

    cloth houses
    berry said the weather conditions are getting worse and that there is an awful snow storm and that they are very uncomfortable in there <a href='' >cloth houses</a>
  • regiment

    Berrys health is good and so good that in fact he is going to regiment if nothing happens
  • Bad Cold

    Bad Cold
    Berry health isnt so good anymore the cold weather has caused him to have a bad cold and it has settled in his bones to were it makes him feel sore all over
  • booming of a cannon

    booming of a cannon
    berry says he expects to hear the booming of a cannon and the rattle of Musketry and a battke is a solem thing to witness. berry says he hopes to go back to the old pine tree state
  • Mesles

    Berry is feeling well but he was sick with the measles but got better. he heard that he was going home and there is 150.000 troops in Virginia
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    berry has to pack his knapsack and get ready to start with the regiment. the rebels left their strongbattle at the bull run
  • cotton press

    cotton press
    berry is doing well. they are leaving Tennessee, many of them our on gaurd duty and he doesnt think that he will have to join the 29th regiment at all. we have 5 Qmasters in a cotton press
  • Drill

    Berry says that they have got 85 names in company we have to drill nine hours a day.