how was it made
In 1799, philosophy professor Alessandro Volta piled alternating discs of zinc and sliver or copper on top of one another. In between the discs, he slid pieces of cloth or cardboard soaked in salt water. -
the first battery made
In 1800, Volta invented the first true battery, which came to be known as the voltaic pile. The voltaic pile consisted of pairs of copper and zinc discs. -
the first wet battery
the first wet battery with acid -
delevopment of batteries
one of the first batteries with acid and provides more power to all things -
duracell batteries
Our story begins in the early 1920s with an inventive scientist named Samuel Ruben and an eager manufacturer of tungsten filament wire named Philip Rogers Mallory. Ruben came to the P.R. Mallory Company seeking a piece of equipment he needed for an experiment. But Ruben and Mallory saw an opportunity: Uniting Ruben’s inventive genius with Mallory’s manufacturing muscle. Their partnership, which would last until Mallory's death in 1975, was the bedrock of Duracell International -
history of energiser
in 1938 thye made a discovery in iraq of a 5 inch pottery as far back as 2000 years ago -
miniature batteries
the first miniature battery to have as much power as those big ones is impressive -
portable batteries
portable chargers to charge phones came into effect -
nimh batteries
these were hot betteries at one time but now are not like the others -
newer batteries comparison
they have a much sleeker design and smaller for just as much poewer -
no name batteries
now since then people have been copying other companies.
people -
lytheuim polymer batteries
these are some of the most powerful batteries to date with acid but be cautious to use them they may blow up if not charged properly.