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battel of lexington and concord

  • battel of lexington and concord

    battel of lexington and concord
    Under orders from General Gage, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Smith led a detachment of roughly 900 British soldiers.
  • battel of bunker hill

    battel of bunker hill
    showed the brithish and the americans were ready to fight
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    they met in Philadelphia for the second Continential Congress
  • new york

    new york
    Having abandoned Boston in March 1776, the British decided to focus their efforts on New York.
  • battel of long island

    battel of long island
    genral howe left bosten
  • battel of trenton

  • battel of brandeywine

    battel of brandeywine
    With New York City firmly in British control, and Burgoyne making his way steadily to the Hudson River.
  • battel of Saratoga

    battel of Saratoga
    the battel was a american victory
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    washington took his troop to vally foge
  • Alliance with France

    Alliance with France
    After the Battle of Saratoga, the French government recognizes the US as its own country and begins to form and alliance with the partriots