Bas van fraassen

Bas van Fraassen

  • Birth

    Bastiaan Cornelis van Fraassen was born in Goes, the Netherlands on 5 April 1941. Fraassen's family emigrated to Canada in 1956. Fraassen received his B.A. in philosophy from the University of Alberta in 1963. He then went on to do graduate work in philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, where he received his M.A. in 1964 and his Ph.D. in 1966.
  • Scientific Image

    Scientific Image
    Fraassen made this contribution in 1980. Fraassen made an argument about constructive empiricism. Constructive empiricism is when science aims to give us theories that are empirically adequate, and acceptance of a theory involves belief only that it is empirically adequate. Reference “Bastiaan Cornelius Van Fraassen | Dean of the Faculty.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University,
  • Lakatos Award

    Fraassen received the Lakatos Award for his many contributions to the philosophy of science. The link below was an interview that shows how passionate Van Fraassen was about the philosophy of science.
  • Laws and Symmetry

    The book attempted to explain the physical phenomena without using the assumption that such phenomena are caused by rules or laws which can be said to cause or govern their behavior. Reference “Bas Van Fraassen - Bas Van Fraassen Biography - Poem Hunter.”,
  • Living Status

    Bas Van Fraassen is still currently alive and well. He is currently a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University and the McCosh Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Princeton University.