
  • Period: 1551 to


    one of the founders of opera
  • Period: 1557 to


    Italian composer noted for his use of instruments in sacred music
  • Period: 1561 to


    One of the founders of opera. Claimed to be the first with Dafne
  • Period: 1563 to


    lutenist and the leading composer of lute music. English, possbly Irish
  • Period: 1564 to


    English playwright and poet
  • Period: 1567 to


    His ideas and music became extremely important.
    Trained in the Renaissance style, also adept at composing “modern” music.
    Used dissonances in his music (madrigals) for text expression.
    9 books of madrigals, some in the Baroque style after 1600
  • Period: 1570 to

    Florentine Camerata

    group of intellectuals that met to discuss the arts
  • Period: to


    English composer of Anglican church anthems
  • Period: to


    first modern keyboard virtuoso and composer, most influential keyboard composer of the Baroque era
  • Period: to


    Most important German composer of the Middle Baroque era
  • Period: to

    Francesca Caccini

    Soprano and the daughter of Giulio Caccini
    The first woman to compose operas
    Sang lead roles in several early operas: Sung in Peri’s opera Euridice at age 13
  • Dafne

    composed by Giulio Caccini and Jacopo Peri. It was the first opera
  • Opera invented

    Jacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini invented opera in Florence, Italy around 1600
  • Euridice

    First extant opera also written by Caccini and Peri
  • Period: to

    Early Baroque

    Shift from modality to tonality. homophony. dynamic markings cam into general use.
  • Period: to


    a leading composer of Roman cantata and oratorios
  • L’Orfeo

    written by Monteverdi while he was the court composer for the Duke of Mantua
  • Period: to

    Barbara Strozzi

    Mother was a servant to Giulio Strozzi who adopted Barbara
    Studied under Francesco Cavalli at the Accademia degli Unisoni – Published eight sets of songs – the first in 1644
    Each set dedicated to a different wealthy patron
    Except for one book of madrigals and one book of cantatas for solo voice and continuo, most of her works are ariettas and aria
  • Period: to


    Italian composer and organist
  • Public opera

    The first public opera house opened in Venice
  • Period: to

    Jean-Baptiste Lully

    Establisher of French opera and ballet
  • Period: to


    German organist and composer, the most important one before Bach
  • Period: to

    Louis the 14th of France

    King of France. Adored ballet.
  • Arias

    Arias became the most desired and appreciated pieces
  • The Coronation of Poppea

    Monteverdi's final opera.
    Composed when he was 75: the genre was about 40 yrs old.
    Historical whereas his others were mythological. premiered in Venice.
  • Period: to


    Composer of French opera and student of Carissimi
  • Period: to

    Franz von Biber

    Bohemian-Austrian composer and violinist
    Lived in Salzbur.
    One of the most important composers for the violin, especially in the instrument’s early year.
    Catholic sacred music, violin sonatas, and ensemble music
  • Period: to


    English composer of odes, taught Purcell
  • Period: to


    period of time where staged plays were forbidden in England because the Puritans thought theater was an invention “of the devil”
  • L’astratto (The Distracted One, c. 1650)

    A cantata by Strozzi
  • Period: to

    Middle Baroque

    homophony and polyphony were common. the tonal system continued to develop. importance of forms began to develop. invention of fugues.
  • Period: to


    made clear distinctions between the different types of sonatas; He was the master of the Trio Sonata
  • Period: to


    German composer and organist. leading in his time
  • Period: to


    Contributed the most to the development of the concerto
  • Period: to


    Singer, organist, composer of instrumental and vocal music
    Worked in the court of Charles II (reigned 1660-85) when stage plays were again allowed
  • Period: to

    Alessandro Scarlatti

    The father of composer Domenico Scarlatti.
    A teacher in Naples; many of his students helped create the new classical style.
    His death marks a better indicator of the end of the Baroque than does Bach’s in 1750.
  • Period: to

    Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre

    She was called “the wonder of our century.”
    17th century France
  • Period: to


    French composer and keyboardist
  • Sonata No. 1

    Biber - The opening Praeludium is for violin and basso continuo; the violin part uses a virtuosic style similar to that of solo vocal singing
  • Period: to

    Antonio Vivaldi

    Considered the greatest master of the Baroque concerto.
    Music director at the Pieta, an orphanage for girls in Venice.
    Composed many operas, much sacred music, and many instrumental works.
    Popular during the height of his career (1720s.)
  • Period: to


    German composer.
    Composed more than 125 orchestral suites.
    Helped establish the French-style orchestral suite in Germany.
    Friends with J. S. Bach and the godfather of Bach’s eldest son.
  • Period: to


    One representative composer from this French court: served the son of King Louis XIV.
    Composed operas, suites, and “grand divertissements [entertainments]"
  • Period: to


    french composer and theorist
  • Period: to

    Domenico Scarlatti

    Keyboard virtuoso.
    Served Portuguese and Spanish royal families.
    Had a progressive style; aware of his modern flare.
    Wrote over 500 sonatas for harpsichord, operas, cantatas, and keyboard exercises
  • Period: to

    G. F. Handel

    Two very popular orchestral suites:
    Music for the Royal Fireworks (often referred to as just Fireworks)
    Water Music.
    A German composer living in England writing Italian music
  • Period: to

    J. S. Bach

    Undisputedly the greatest master of the fugue and one of the most skilled musicians in the Baroque era.. Wrote in all genres except opera.
  • Dido and Aeneas

  • Period: to


    German composer, flutist and teacher of Frederick the Great in Berlin
  • Period: to

    Late Baroque

    Basso continuo rhythmically drove the music. diatonic system was firmly established. Beginnings of orchestras
  • Period: to


    His intermezzo, Le Serva Padrona sparked the war of the bouffons in Paris in 1752
  • Handel’s Water Music

    Performed for a royal party on the Thames River in London on July 17, 1717 (7/17/1717.)
    22 movements.
    Supposedly, the harpsichord (basso continuo) was not used at this first performance.
    It did not fit on the barge so it was left behind!
  • Esther

    Oratorio by Handel
  • Magnificat

    passion by Handel
  • Le Quattro stagioni

    The Four Seasons.
    Cycle of four violin concertos.
    Word painting in instrumental music.
    Each concerto is accompanied by a poem that we believe he wrote.
  • Suite de symphonies

    Written for trumpets, violins, oboes, timpani, basses, bassoons, and organ: today the work is often performed as a trumpet solo with organ.
    An orchestra in the Baroque that used a trumpet with a timpani was called a Baroque Festival Orchestra.
  • English Oratorio

    Genre was instroduced.
    The public was pleased by the new genre.
    Oratorios presented during Lent when operas were forbidden, thus doing away with the competition
  • Tafelmusik

    A collection published by Telemann
  • Israel in Egypt

    Oratorio by Handel
  • Messiah

    Oratorio by Handel, first performed in Dublin
  • Judas Maccabaeus

    Oratorio by Handel
  • Contrapunctus 1

    from the Art of Fugue by J. S. Bach
  • Mass in B Minor

    Passion by Bach, was not meant for church
  • Jephtha

    Oratorio by Handel