Conquerable Japan
Japan began to see that the major imperialist powers had taken complete control of Africa and semi-control over China. Japan at the time had no way of getting raw materials and wasn't able to create foregin markets so that they could sell their manufacttured goods. Japan had to act fast! -
Russo-Japenese War
The war fought between Russia and Japan over control of Korea. The Russians thought that it would be an easy voctory over the Japenese but Japan was able to industrialize in a short period of time leading to a victory over Russia. The victory of Japan lead to a change in the "players" of the batttle field, it now became one of the strongest powers at the time. -
Japan's zaibatsu economy
During this time period the zaibastu was the one main business that contolled Japan's major industry. It controlled the mining, banking and shipbuilding indusrtires.This economy was made up of corpations such as MItsubishi and Mitsui which was lasted until the end of WW2 -
Japan enters WW1
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the event that started WW1 along the militarism, allies, imperialism and nationalism of all the countries that paricapated in these M.A.I.N. causes. Even though it might not nessccarily have been an alliance or a central power, the goal of Japan during WW1 was to maintain it's sphere of influence on China and protects it. -
0pen Door Policy
The United States called for a conference in which the Open Door Policy was created.In this policy THe U.S.A. declared that China had to open up itself to trade. So as Japan moved to the major leaguein power they too could also trade in China and benefit from it's resources. -
The Great Depression
The United States was not the only place that was affected by the Great Depression Japan was too.When WW1 ended there was various ways things like the inflation in the price of food.This lead to riots. There was an increase in population which also led to to a decrease in food supply. -
Japan's Traditionalists
Along with the economical downfall there was also an uproar with the traitionalists during this time. They wanted Japan to go back to traditional ways and stop the spread of Western ways into their country. They also believed that they shouldn't depend on Western helpfor proctection but rather they should for themselves control Asia to therefore obtain it's own resources. -
Extremist Groups formed
The navy wanted more battle ships and destroyers to protect sea lanes to give access to raw materials in Southeast Asia. Wanted to industrialize Manchuria to aid expansion of Japanese military influence. Helped engineer the removal of influential party politicians, government leaders, and military figures. Were made up of active duty military men and low ranked military men in the army. -
Invaded Manchuria
One of the middle ranked army officers of an extremist group invaded Manchuria without the governments acknowledgment. The reason for the invasion was because Japan was getting over populated and Manchuria had rich materials and agricultural land that fit Japan's needs. -
Manchuria was conquered
Manchuria had beeen conquered causing a conflict between the government's and the citizens. Citizen's agreeing on invasions and the government not agree on invasions. -
Government overthrown
Army extremist wanted to destroy power of the politicians and industrialists. It ended up failing in the end not able to overthrow the government when the army refused to support the mutineers. By military force the imperial government was still dominated by militarists and extension to Japan's borders. Southeast Asia colonies of Britain, France and Holland had available raw materials and wealth -
Military Draft Law
Japan didn't like Britain much and it included Western refusal to accept Asians. Americans didn't allow Japan freedom in Manchuria that the British had. Japan's army depended on American Rob materials and technology therefore Japan was that it's breaking point and had no allies and needed resources.