barack vs bush

  • bush vs gore

    bush vs gore
    this was a election race between george bush and al gore in the year 2000, that ended up so close that they recounted causing gore to just drop out. one of the closest races if not the closest
  • 9/11

    this tragic terroist attack struck america at a time we thought everything was okay, until two planes flew there way into the twin towers, one into the pentagon and one into a feild that was meant for the white house, contructed by bin ladin
  • patriot act

    patriot act
    this act allowed the gov. to seize phone calls, voicemails, internet searches and email ect. to help prevent terroism in america.
  • war with iraq

    war with iraq
    the u.s. enters war with iraq to seize "weapons of mass destruction" and ended with the capture of one saddam hussein
  • SE asian tsunami

    SE asian tsunami
    an earthquake occurred in the indian ocean sending a tsunami to southeast asia causing destruction and death, recorded as one of the most deadly natural disasters ever
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina
    a large hurricane affecting mostly louisiana but other south east states in america lasting 6 days and causing destruction and death. devastated the area
  • hurricane rita

    hurricane rita
    hurricane rita hit texas lasting 8 days and ravishing everything in its way killing and flattening the landscape
  • nancy peloci speaker of the house

    nancy peloci speaker of the house
    nanci was elected to speaker of the house by george bush in 2007 as the first female to do so
  • bailouts

    oboma decided to stimulate the economy with money, and bail out banks and other large corp. such as auto comp.
  • recovery and reinvestment act

    recovery and reinvestment act
    gov. bailing out comp. to jumpstart economy
  • barack obomas inauguration

    barack obomas inauguration
    this was the commencement of our first african american president 4 year term
  • aff. care act

    aff. care act
    this is basically oboma care which was supposed to help out the less forunate and make healthcare more affordable